Currently, we have 3 weeks worth of menus that we rotate through. I'm hoping to get to 6 or 8. I just don't know if we'll have enough recipes. Along with each menu, I have made a comprehensive shopping list. Before we go grocery shopping we shop the house. I buy some of my organic staples on so I have a lot of that. We also have purchased a 1/4 cow so we don't need to buy beef for awhile.
There are a couple thing I love, like Shepherd's Pie, so we have that weekly but I am really trying to have new things in there each week so we don't get bored.
Other than my youngest son, my family has loved the meals I have planned and it is possible for my 13 and 15 year old to make food for us.
Just for my readers (which I'm not sure I have any of... lol) I will post my menus. Actually, I am also going to make a wiki for my menus and recipes which I will also post on here once I get it done.
Another thing I want to point out is that we are a family of 5. We typically eat every meal at home since we home-school. We end up spending about $2 per person per meal. Not so bad! Especially not for good wholesome food!
So without further ado, here are the three menus (without recipes)...
Week 1:

Week 2:

Week 3:

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